After weeks/months of waiting for the weather to drop some wind our way on a weekend, mother nature seems to be finally listening.
Surf Ontario is sponsoring "The Freshest Wave" contest this coming Saturday morning (Mar 31, 2012) at Bluffers Park (The Cove) in Scarborough, Ontario.
For more information, check out:
Big thanks to Mike and Grant and the rest of the gang at Surf Ontario. Lets hope the forecast holds!
Willer SurfCraft

- Willer SurfCraft
- GTA, Ontario, Canada
- Born out of necessity. Surfboards designed by fresh water surfers, for fresh water surfers and beyond. Specializing in surfcraft taylored specifically for you and the unique conditions you surf, from the great lakes, to river waves, to firing point breaks in far-flung exotic locals. 100% Custom. 100% Hand-made. This is not a job for me, but purely the pursuit of a passion to bring science, art, and engineering together to build the best surfcraft I can. Dave Willer, PhD