Interesting article on MeSurf from Australia. The two dominating companies in the fin market throw out their best propaganda. Click on the link and decide for yourself which system you prefer. Its a pretty even split for boards going out of my shop. I have to admit that I see way more FCS plug repairs than I see repairs related to Futures boxes. Hopefully the new FCS Fusion plugs will be a great improvement upon the FCS plugs of old. I can't believe how many big name companies are still using them! Don't forget your other options: LokBox and Glass-ons. More on those later.
Willer SurfCraft

- Willer SurfCraft
- GTA, Ontario, Canada
- Born out of necessity. Surfboards designed by fresh water surfers, for fresh water surfers and beyond. Specializing in surfcraft taylored specifically for you and the unique conditions you surf, from the great lakes, to river waves, to firing point breaks in far-flung exotic locals. 100% Custom. 100% Hand-made. This is not a job for me, but purely the pursuit of a passion to bring science, art, and engineering together to build the best surfcraft I can. Dave Willer, PhD